السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاتة أنتشرت مؤخرا صور و فيديوهات كثيرة عن الحارس الذي كان يقف و يضع قدمة علي الكعبة و بعد إنتشار هذة الفيديوهات و الصور أتوا بة و نقلوة الي مكان آخرشاهد الآن بالفيديو ::
Success Motivates us to move forward and further
Success! Success is one of the life secrets .It gives us a great push to achieve more great deeds. However, it is different from person to another one. Some people are motivated by success and the other people are motivated by love, money can be also a motive for another kind of people as well as the social status is an important factor for success. Success is an outcome and a mixture of effort, patience, desire, will, imagination, plan and vision. We sometimes face some problems in our path, but we shouldn’t despair. We should try a lot till we get what we aim at. We shouldn’t look at the empty half of the glass. We should be hopeful and hard workers; and not to regret or cry on a failed attempt. There is a famous proverb says”Don’t cry on the spilt milk”, i.e. forget about the unsuccessful experience in our lives because sadness is in vain.
Luis Sanchez said “You know it's time to move on with no fear if you have been unsuccessful in finding space for improvements despite your persistence. When you do so, take with you no hard feelings and the joy of useful experience elsewhere."